What’s Your #1Thing
This year the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has released its annual campaign theme for the month. This year the theme is, “No Survivor Justice Without Racial Justice”. This theme is not only meeting the needs of the moment but it’s also highlighting the discrepancy seen in rates of violence based on race. According to the Office of Victim’s of Crime (OVC), Indigenous women and Black women face the highest rates of intimate partner violence (2018). We can’t end the cycle of abuse in our communities, without recognizing and addressing this. That is why MCVP is happy to continue to follow the lead set by the NRCDV this year and continue with the #1Thing Campaign. We’ve included our annual calendar, so that you can find your #1Thing to help support survivors of domestic violence and to end the cycle of abuse.
Get your copy of the MCVP calendar here: DVAM Calendar 2020
NRCDV. (2020). Meeting This Moment for Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2020. Retrieved from https://www.dvawareness.org/node/69
OVC. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence. Retrieved from https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/ncvrw2018/info_flyers/fact_sheets/2018NCVRW_IPV_508_QC.pdf