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Sexual Assault Information

No one ever deserves to be sexually assaulted.

Sexual assault can take many different forms, but one thing remains the same. It is never the victim’s fault.

Defining Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is any sexual activity that is done without consent, whether through force, manipulation, or coercion. It is a crime. Sexual assault can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background.

Forms of Sexual Violence

  • Attempted rape
  • Fondling or unwanted sexual touching
  • Forcing a person to perform sexual acts
  • Penetration of the victim’s body, as known as rape
  • Sending or receiving unsolicited nude photos
  • Some forms of sexual harassment
  • Coercing or pressuring a person to perform sexual acts — This could be through threats, intimidation, use of a weapon, or ignoring when someone says “no” or “stop”
  • Using drugs or alcohol to perform unwanted sexual acts
  • Being forced to watch porn
  • Forced to have sex without a condom or without other forms of protection

Facts About Sexual Violence

Most sexual assaults are ocmmitted by someone the survivor knows, such as an acquaintance, friend, or relative.

Sexual assault is against the law.

25.5 million women and 7.9 million men experience sexual violence in their lifetime (CDC 2015). You are not alone.

Women between the ages of 16-24 experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault victimization.

You did nothing wrong. It’s not your fault.

Every 68 seconds someone in the United States is sexually assaulted (RAINN, 2022).

Survivors of sexual assault are at increased risk for depression, suicide, eating disorders, anxiety and PTSD.

Options to Consider if You Have Been Sexually Assaulted

Consider Your Safety First.

You can call the police or 911.

Making a Police Report.

It is your choice to report a sexual assault to police. MCVP can support you through this process, and share what to expect from the process.

Seek Medical Attention.

We always recommend this. You DO NOT have to report the assault to the police if you present to a hospital. At the hospital, you can choose to have a SANE Kit examination, and treatment for injuries or sexually transmitted diseases, receive emergency pregnancy and HIV prevention. MCVP advocates respond to the hospital and can be there for you if you’d like.

If you have been strangled, we recommend calling 911 or going to the hospital as soon as possible.

Speak with an Advocate

If you’re not sure what you want to do or where to go, you can call MCVP or stop into our office. Our advocates are trained to respond to sexual assault and can offer you support and answer any questions you have.

Healing Looks Different for Everyone

The process of healing and regaining trust after being sexually assaulted can be a long one. Everyone responds to this experience differently. You may find you can move on quickly, or you may be having a hard time processing. Talking about the assault and your feelings with someone you trust and that understands can help. MCVP advocates are here for you when and if you need to talk.

National Resources

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest
anti-sexual violence organization. | 800-656-4673

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence.

The Center for Disease Control provides facts, prevention strategies,
and resources for those that have experienced sexual violence, or for
those working in the industry to prevent and intervene.

CDC Website — Sexual Violence

New Hampshire Resources

We are a team of dedicated individuals working toward a violence-free Monadnock Region. In addition to offering crisis intervention services, we have a dedicated prevention education team. Our direct services staff includes a full-time Family Violence Prevention Specialist, Shelter Advocate, Roving Advocate in Peterborough and Jaffrey, and a Housing First Advocate. We serve all of Cheshire County and 14 towns in western Hillsborough County. Our crisis hotline is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by staff and trained volunteers. We offer crisis intervention and peer counseling in person and over the phone to survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We also provide emotional support, information about options and resources, assistance with problem solving, safety planning, and referrals. | (603) 352-3782 or 1 (888) 511-6287

The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence creates safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention, and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking. | 1 (866) 644-3574

603 Legal Aid provides free civil legal help to low-income people and does not charge clients for legal services. The attorneys in this program provide legal advice by telephone in areas of family law, housing, benefits and welfare, and will hear your problem and make appropriate referrals if necessary. | (800) 639-5290 or (603) 224-3333

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, there is help.

MCVP Advocates are available 24-hours a day. Call our confidential crisis line at (603) 352-3782 or 1 (888) 511-6287. Make sure to erase your call and browser history in case your phone and/or computer are being monitored.
For more on how to be supportive of a family member, teen or adult child, or friend that is experiencing
domestic violence, visit our page on the topic here: Showing Support for Sexual Assault Survivors

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