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Resources by Demographic

Interpersonal partner violence (IPV) affects people from every walk of life. Below is a list of resources by demographic.

* Links will open a new browser tab

  • NH Coalition-Safety Planning
  • NH Coalition-Signs of Abuse
  • NH Coalition-Financial Information
  • VINE – the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victim or crime and other concerned citizens to access up-to-date information about criminal offenders and cases within the U.S. jails and prisons. Register to receive notifications.
  • New Hampshire Judicial Branch – Access protective orders, stalking orders, ex parte motions, motions to amend and all other necessary forms for Circuit Court here. *Note: Protective Orders, Stalking Orders and Ex Parte Motions cannot be filed through the online TurboCourt Platform. Those must still be handed into the Court in person. There is no cost associated with protective & stalking orders, Ex Parte Motions and Amendments to existing orders of protection.

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