Reports & Statistics

Learn more about the realities of sexual and intimate partner violence and how these pervasive forms of violence affect people in New Hampshire and across the nation.

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A Fact Sheet About Sexual Assault

Many statutes, including New Hampshire’s, now define sexual assault as non-consensual sexual contact or penetration by physical force,by threat of bodily harm, or …

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Sexual Assault: The Mental Health Impact

A study of 1400 adult female twins found that women who had been raped as girls were three times more likely to develop psychiatric disorders or abuse alcohol and…

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Fact Sheet: Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is the sexual exploitation of a child by an adult,adolescent, or older child. The sexual activity does not necessarily involve force;children are often bribed or verbally coerced into…

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Fact Sheet: Domestic Violence

It is estimated that 166,131 (33.4%) women in New Hampshire have experienced physical assault by an intimate partner. That number is greater than the population of Manchester and Concord combined by…

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Fact Sheet: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

In homes where domestic violence occurs, fear, instability, and confusion replace the love, comfort, and nurturing that children need. These children live in constant fear of physical harm from the person who is supposed to…

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Report: An Epidemic of Violence in 2021

Fatal violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people in the United States in 2021.

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National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence (NISVS) Survey 2010 Findings by Sexual Orientation Overview

NISVS is an ongoing, nationally representative telephone survey that collects detailed information on IPV, SV… (from about NISVS)

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PDF: A Legal Handbook for Women in New Hampshire

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PDF: Manual de Derechos de las Mujeres de New Hampshire

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